Neighborhoods  /  Downtown

Downtown is associated with commercial Jewish history and has connections to significant historical events as the site of a utopian address in 1825 and the location of the first synagogue established in Buffalo.


From the pomp of Mordecai Manuel Noah’saddress declaring nearby Grand Island a refuge for oppressed foreign Jews, to the first home of Temple Beth El on Pearl Street, the downtown area has been home to Jewish agencies and Jewish businesses including LL Berger and many smaller retailers, some of whom relocated to other parts of the city or the suburbs.

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Downtown Location Map


Yom HaShoah commemoration

Jewish War Veterans with Ararat-Stone

Ararat Marker at St Paul’s Cathedral, Buffalo, NY

Read More: History Panel at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buffalo, NY

Temple Beth El, Elm Street Synagogue, c1909

Judah Toura plaque to honor his bequest to Beth El