Elizabeth Penner, pictured right, volunteer treasurer for the Rosa Coplon's Women's League, Shelley Hirsch on right. Elizabeth Penner Private Papers, Courtesy of grand-daughters, Shelley Hirsch and Cindy Hirsch.
Rosa Coplon Photographs
Rosa Coplon Women's League Leaflet, May 1980. Elizabeth Penner Private Papers, Courtesy of grand-daughters, Shelley Hirsch and Cindy Hirsch
Women’s League at Rosa Coplon, 1980
Rosa Coplon, c.1915, Buffalo, NY. Ms223, University Archives, Courtesy of the University at Buffalo, NY.
Rosa Coplon, c.1915, Buffalo, NY
Coplon Paints, Oils and Glass Store, c. 1912, 816 Broadway, Buffalo, NY. Ms 223, David and Minnie Coplon Collection. Permission of the University Archives, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. Coplon Paints, Oils and Glass Store, c. 1912, Coplon Collection, MM223, JBIC522lowres
Coplon Paints, Oils and Glass Store, c. 1912
Rosa Coplon Jewish Home and Infirmary located at 10 Symphony Circle, July 14, 1975. Hare photograph collection, Hare 32-16-2. Collection of The Buffalo History Museum.
Rosa Coplon Jewish Home and Infirmary c. 1975
Coplon family home in Buffalo, donated for the use of Daughters of Israel Jewish Old Folks Home, 1910, photograph created by the Engler Brothers, ms David and Minnie Coplon Collection. Permission of the University Archives, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.